Organising Committee

Nic Hilton

Nic Hilton is a PhD candidate at the University of Cambridge. She has an MPhil in Children’s Literature from Trinity College, Dublin and an MA in Writing for Children from the University of Central Lancashire. Her doctoral research, funded by the Mary Hesse Scholarship at Wolfson College, focuses on maturation and the works of Patrick Ness. Her areas of interest are maturation, age studies, kinship, economics and chaos theory. She is a supervisor at the University of Cambridge and has guest lectured at the University of Groningen, Netherlands.

Lisa Kazianka

Lisa Kazianka is a final-year PhD candidate at the Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge, where she also completed a Master's Degree in 2017. Her doctoral research, funded by the Cambridge AHRC DTP and Churchill College, focuses on reimaginations of medieval masculinities in contemporary Arthurian young adult fiction. She is interested in YA literature, gender studies, queer theory, medievalisms, as well as identity and ideology in youth literature more broadly. She is also a certified academic writing coach and EFL/ESL teacher. She has recently published an essay on 'Once & Future', a queer Arthurian YA adaptation, which you can find here:

Gabriel Duckels

Gabriel Duckels is a Harding Distinguished Postgraduate Scholar at the Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge. His doctoral research examines the representation of queer experiences of HIV/AIDS in Young Adult literature. He is interested in the politics of representing queer sexual cultures for young people, and the relationship between melodrama and the development of the YA novel. His article “Melodrama and the Memory of AIDS in American Queer Young Adult Literature” is forthcoming in the Children’s Literature Association Quarterly. His earlier research on international wordless picturebooks about the migrant crisis was published in Jeunesse and contributed towards the DIALLS project.

Welcome to the Conference

Welcome to the Let's Talk About Sex in YA conference from your organising committee - Nic Hilton, Lisa Kazianka, and Gabriel Duckels.

Please be aware that we advise content and trigger warning across all conference events. Sex is a very sensitive subject and while we like to have some fun with our puns and cheeky fruits we are also very aware that there are some very traumatic and dark aspects in relation to our subject.

Head to our website

Remember all of our conference information and updates are on our website.